Saturday, October 14, 2023

Raspberry Pi Zero W OpenWrt Image With USB Ethernet Support

I made a secure and portable WiFi hotspot with a Raspberry Pi Zero W. Standard OpenWrt for the Pi didn't include necessary USB-to-Ethernet kernel modules, so I figured out the required packages and dependencies to add to the standard list. Then, I used this to generate a custom OpenWrt version. This allows you to use a USB-to-Ethernet adapter or connect the Pi Zero with USB OTG for WAN traffic.

The Pi Zero W mounted on USB-A Addon Board for power, or power and data (USB OTG).

Pi Zero WPi Zero W with USB Adapter Board

Note 1: YOU DO NOT NEED THIS ADDON BOARD. If all you want is a wired Ethernet port, get an adapter like the one you see below (and you'll need a power supply too,  of course).

Note 2: If you are using this addon board, I do not recommend plugging in the micro-USB hub shown below. (Things won't work right from what I can tell, and who knows it might even damage something? I don't intend on finding out myself).  The point of the add-on board is to enable you to plug it into a router or computer (with rNDIS enabled) so the Pi Zero can get power and (WAN) data from it.

The micro-USB hub I use...

USB OTG Adapter

Pi Zero W with USB-to-Ethernet adapter, micro-USB hub or as a USB OTG device, the OpenWrt firmware generated should work for all three of those options.

Building the OpenWrt Image

OpenWrt Firmware Builder

1. Navigate to the OpenWrt image for the Raspberry Pi Zero W image (22.03.5 at the time of this writing)

2. Click the Customize Installed packages and/or first boot script drop-down

3. Replace the list in the Installed Packages field with the following:

base-files bcm27xx-gpu-fw bcm27xx-userland brcmfmac-firmware-usb busybox ca-bundle cgi-io cypress-firmware-43430-sdio cypress-nvram-43430-sdio-rpi-zero-w dnsmasq dropbear e2fsprogs firewall4 fstools fwtool getrandom hostapd-common iw iwinfo jansson4 jshn jsonfilter kernel kmod-brcmfmac kmod-brcmutil kmod-cfg80211 kmod-crypto-crc32c kmod-crypto-hash kmod-crypto-sha256 kmod-fs-configfs kmod-fs-vfat kmod-hid kmod-hid-generic kmod-input-core kmod-input-evdev kmod-lib-crc-ccitt kmod-lib-crc32c kmod-libphy kmod-mii kmod-mmc kmod-nf-conntrack kmod-nf-conntrack6 kmod-nf-flow kmod-nf-log kmod-nf-log6 kmod-nf-nat kmod-nf-reject kmod-nf-reject6 kmod-nfnetlink kmod-nft-core kmod-nft-fib kmod-nft-nat kmod-nft-offload kmod-nls-base kmod-nls-cp437 kmod-nls-iso8859-1 kmod-nls-utf8 kmod-phy-ax88796b kmod-ppp kmod-pppoe kmod-pppox kmod-slhc kmod-sound-arm-bcm2835 kmod-sound-core kmod-usb-core kmod-usb-dwc2 kmod-usb-gadget kmod-usb-gadget-eth kmod-usb-hid kmod-usb-lib-composite kmod-usb-net kmod-usb-net-asix kmod-usb-net-asix-ax88179 kmod-usb-net-cdc-ether kmod-usb-net-cdc-ncm kmod-usb-net-rtl8152 kmod-usb-roles libblkid1 libblobmsg-json libc libcomerr0 libext2fs2 libf2fs6 libgcc1 libiwinfo-data libiwinfo-lua libiwinfo libjson-c5 libjson-script liblua5.1.5 liblucihttp-lua liblucihttp0 libmnl0 libnftnl11 libnl-tiny libpthread librt libsmartcols1 libss2 libubox libubus-lua libubus libuci libuclient libucode libustream-wolfssl libuuid libwolfssl logd lua luci luci-app-firewall luci-app-opkg luci-base luci-lib-base luci-lib-ip luci-lib-jsonc luci-lib-nixio luci-mod-admin-full luci-mod-network luci-mod-status luci-mod-system luci-proto-ipv6 luci-proto-ppp luci-ssl luci-theme-bootstrap mkf2fs mtd netifd nftables-json odhcp6c odhcpd-ipv6only openwrt-keyring opkg partx-utils ppp ppp-mod-pppoe procd procd-seccomp procd-ujail px5g-wolfssl r8152-firmware rpcd rpcd-mod-file rpcd-mod-iwinfo rpcd-mod-luci rpcd-mod-rrdns ubox ubus ubusd uci uclient-fetch ucode ucode-mod-fs ucode-mod-ubus ucode-mod-uci uhttpd uhttpd-mod-ubus urandom-seed usign wireless-regdb wpad-basic-wolfssl

4. Edit the wlan_name, wlan_password, root_password, etc. variables in the script below, and then add it in the Script to run on first boot (uci-defaults) field.

# Beware! This script will be in /rom/etc/uci-defaults/ as part of the image.
# Uncomment lines to apply:
# pppoe_username=""
# pppoe_password=""

# log potential errors
exec >/tmp/setup.log 2>&1

echo g_ether > /etc/modules.d/56-g_ether
echo dtoverlay=dwc2 >> /boot/config.txt

if [ -n "$root_password" ]; then
  (echo "$root_password"; sleep 1; echo "$root_password") | passwd > /dev/null

# Configure LAN
# More options:
if [ -n "$lan_ip_address" ]; then
  uci set network.lan.ipaddr="$lan_ip_address"
  uci commit network

# Configure WLAN
# More options:
if [ -n "$wlan_name" -a -n "$wlan_password" -a ${#wlan_password} -ge 8 ]; then
  uci set wireless.@wifi-device[0].disabled='0'
  uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[0].encryption='psk2'
  uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[0].ssid="$wlan_name"
  uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[0].key="$wlan_password"
  uci commit wireless

# Configure PPPoE
# More options:
if [ -n "$pppoe_username" -a "$pppoe_password" ]; then
  uci set network.wan.proto=pppoe
  uci set network.wan.username="$pppoe_username"
  uci set network.wan.password="$pppoe_password"
  uci commit network

echo "All done!"

5. Click Request Build

6. Download the resulting Factory (Ext4) image

7. Flash to you Pi's SD Card

8. Boot up the Pi Zero

9. Connect to the Pi Zero's WiFi, and open the web interface at with the root password you set above

10. Reboot the Pi Zero (so the g_ether module will load from now on)

11. Connect to the web interface again, and configure your OpernWrt router as desired

12. Bonus step: Delete the script in Step 4 from /rom/etc/uci-defaults/ because it is the right thing to do (security is important, right?)

I hope someone finds this useful.  It took me more time than I would've liked to figure it out and in getting it to work, so enjoy!


micro-USB Hub:
OTG Cable to Ethernet Adapter for Alexa TV Cube, TV Stick Lite 2020, Show (2nd Gen), Micro USB HUB with Power 

Pi Zero W USB-A Addon Board:

A few helpful pages:

Version 20231028

Friday, October 25, 2019

Raspberry Pi 4 NAS

I almost ran out of room on my old 1TB (2 x 1TB HDD in RAID 1) LG N2R1DD2 NAS. The Raspberry Pi 4 had just recently started shipping, so I thought I'd get one to build a replacement fileserver. Good timing. I had the thing finished and my files copied over from the old to the new, and a couple of weeks later the LG NAS started dying!! Not the drives, maybe the board. Since I cannot shell into it, I can't really see what's going on. Anyway, that LG box was a fine piece of kit. I don't think they make anything similar to it these days. That is a real shame because it did so much and it didn't break the bank when I bought it.

External Hard Drives connected to the Pi 4 on it's USB 3 ports. I have it set up as follows: The two 5TB drives are configured in RAID1 (mirrored). The whole RAID device is encrypted with LUKS (using a mighty long pass phrase). LVM is used to manage the (EXT4 formatted) space. It's not fancy, but I like the redundancy, whole drive encryption, and the flexibility LVM gives you. That being said, you could do all of that with ZFS alone! I don't even know if the Raspbian distribution offers ZFS, or if it does, how stable it is. I do like my data after all. (And yes, I do have a new external backup drive just in case it all collapses on me one stormy night.)

Anyway, Samba is up and running. It is handling network printing as well. I have the 4GB Pi 4, which is overkill for this NAS setup, but if I like I can fire up lightdm and play around with the Pi desktop for what it's worth.

My next experiment is going to be a super minimalist NAS using some spare drives (maybe even the old 1TB drives from the LG NAS) and a Pi Zero W. The external hard drive enclosures will run more than the computer! USB 2 speeds will be ugly. Still, it will be cool to see what kinds of cool things you can do with a $10 wireless computer!

Anyway, maybe I write a step-by-step how to one day, if anyone is even interested.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Experiencing ZFS In Ubuntu 19.10

ZFS in Ubuntu 19.10 has been an amazing introduction to this incredibly powerful file system for me. So far I've found it very easy to use. It's obvious that you can simply  and effectively replace LVM & software RAID in Linux with it. It looks like that is just the beginning. Looking forward to learning & doing much more with ZFS in the future.

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Metallica: Hardwired

Finally! New Metallica! It's been... forever!

Anyone else notice how much certain parts of this single sound a lot like Metal Militia?

That's not a bad thing. I'm just sayin'...