Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Local Google Video

Ack! Google! What were they thinking? I (among others) no sooner post that you can download videos from video.google.com then they decide that you must download their proprietary viewer. What?! Why???? DRM? Please...

Maybe I shouldn't be quite so accusatory. Maybe this appeases the DRM fanatics? Who knows?

At any rate, if you want to download the AVI or the Google FLV files of a particular Google hosted video, go here and I'm sure you'll get a clue. If not, you might want to examine the GVP file Google offers you for manual download...

I personally do not feel that Google has gone the way of all the rest [cough,... Sony DRM AUDIO CD's... cough ... choke ... gag ... puke ... ] . You can still download the video files that they host without any [real] restrictions. I sincerely hope that they [of all] continue this practice. If they adopt a more restrictive policy I would most certainly be concerned about the future of ideas amongst our global internet community...


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