See that tape around Kirk's picking hand? I have seen a lot of bizarre (or sometimes reasonable) reasons that people thinks he tapes his hand. Someone e-mailed me asking about it and I dug this bit out of 20th Anniversary of
Master of Puppets edition of Guitar World (January 2006). The definitive answer from the man himself:
[Question] There have been many theories spread on the Internet about why you tape your hands. So once and for all, why do you do it? --Jerry Glass
If you look at the side of your hand, right below your pinkie, you'll see there are some wrinkle lines. At least there are on my hand... [laughs] Because of my playing style, I'm constantly hitting the strings and palm muting and, generally, beating up my right hand. Over the course of a tour, those wrinkles start busting open and bleeding. I put tape over the wrinkles so they don't break open and bleed all over my guitar, 'cause if a string gets in there once your hand is cut --wow!--that stings! Plus, it lets me play faster since it reduces drag between my hand and the strings.
Once, when we were on tour, I looked out into the audience and saw a kid with both his hands taped up like mine. I was cracking up so much I had to give him a backstage pass. --Kirk Hammett, Guitar World, January 2006, 112.
Lucky kid lol
Giving the kid a backstage pass because he taped up his hands lol. That's quite a nice thing to do.
Cool post
where can i get some of the tape??
yeah, what's it made of, where to get it? I want one! :P
I'm gonna start doing that, cuz my hand often gets really irritated from rubbing against the strings
Good idea come back to canada
He plays his guitar until his hands bleed..... how cool is that
Duct tape, you can't go wrong with this one
For your information. First show with the taped hand - 4/16/1992 Hartford Civic Center Arena, Hartford, CT, United States.
Stop playing from the elbow. Didn't Joe teach you anythng?
Stop playing from the elbow. Didn't Joe teach you anythng?
Thats why at the beginning of the movie Through The Never Kirk's guitar had blood on it
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